Young Ethan, 9 years old has been plagued with illness and ear infections since birth. His life has been one of repeated use of antibiotics, missing school, feeling bad at school and delayed development. How did he win a Perfect Attendance Award? He was referred to our office when just one too many ear infections and the threat of surgery to repair it was too much for the mom to handle. One of our patients, whose children have been under regular chiropractic maintenance care for years insisted she visit us and talk about her concerns. She had seen the wonderful effects first hand of how chiropractic can make such a difference in children’s lives.
Ethan’s Path to Perfect Attendance
Ethan visited our office and it was determined that it was possible a spinal problem was related to his health problems.
He was placed on a course of care that lasted about 90 days over last summer. He progressed well and his mom noticed he seemed to be feeling better, as well as “fitting in” better at school. Once his treatment plan was complete, he was placed on a 1 visit per month routine maintenance schedule for his chiropractic care. On his last visit, Ethan’s mom, Katie was excited to tell us that Ethan had just received his very first ever “Perfect Attendance Award” at his school. She was so excited and so was Ethan. All our office staff was cheering for him.
Can chiropractic help ear infections and chronic illness in children? Not everyone can be helped like this, but this is a clear example of someone who has been on antibiotics off and on his whole life having a complete turnaround in just a few weeks or months. If you feel like you would like to find out whether a spinal problem could be at the root of your child”s health problems please give us a call. We offer a no cost “get to know you” visit that is a great opportunity to get your questions answered.
We were not able to get a photo of Ethan on his last visit. However, come back and see his actual photo and perhaps a video testimonial from his mom!