ObamaCare: What Do You Think?

ObamaCare: Asheville What do you think ?

Image of Obamacare in Asheville NC
ObamaCare, Government Shut Down, Really?

 First published 2012:

The government of the United States of America has been shut down for the first time in 17 years.  This shut down is basically an attempt by House Republicans to shut down Obamacare.  Do you think this was the right thing to do? Is the Affordable Care Act really all that bad? Is it possible the Affordable Care Act good for some people? Was it really worth shutting down the government after so many other attempts to bring down Obama Care, even in the Supreme Court of the United States?


Your answer may depend on where you get your news. I would like to hear your comments.

Page update: November 10, 2014

It is time to enroll in the affordable care act policies again!  Personally, this year my private insurance went way up. In fact it almost doubled. The probably cause of this is because I just

turned 60 years old. Since I could not afford my policy anymore, I checked out Healthcare.gov . There, I found huge potential savings on my policy. I hope and pray that the government will not take that opportunity away from me and countless other Americans who, despite working 7 days per week, cannot afford their own healthcare.

Please  leave your comments!

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