If you are looking for a thriving, family oriented wellness office offering NS, NSA, Network Chiropractic (all names of the current branding: Network Spinal) we would like to suggest you check out our office.
Our office offers gentle specific care for you to achieve new levels of wellness with a body and nerve system that are optimized through the gentle approaches taught by Donald Epstein through theEpi Energetics association.
Dr. Whittington is Level 3 certified in Network Chiropractic and Level 2 Certified with NS and has been practicing for almost 30 years as a student of Donny Epstein.
Our office offers you the opportunity for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Whittington. That way you can come in and get a feel for our office and procedures and discuss your goals and concerns with us prior to starting care. At that point any potential charges (our fees are reasonable) can be explained to you before you begin.
We look forward to seeing you for wonderful and gentle NS, Network chiropractic care and being a part of your health care and transformational team.
Call 828-298-0011