The Chiropractic Activator Method has been used safely on patients of all ages since the late 1960’s and it brings relief to people with a variety of health concerns. Patients from all ages can enjoy the benefits of an adjustment with the chiropractic activator method. This technique is even highly effective for children who have a hard time lying still. Older patients, people with arthritis, osteoporosis or other bone-weakening conditions find the technique effective and gentle.
Patients from all ages can enjoy the benefits of an adjustment with the chiropractic activator method. This technique is even highly effective for children who have a hard time lying still. Older patients, people with arthritis, osteoporosis or other bone-weakening conditions find the technique effective and gentle.
The activator adjusting instrument is a unique hand-held instrument that has been studied extensively with results published in hundreds of peer-reviewed research papers and was designed to give patients a specific and gentle adjustment. The activator provides a controlled, fast thrust that is comfortable for the patient.
Chiropractic Activator Method Benefits
According to Wikipedia, “The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a chiropractic treatment method and device created as an alternative to manual manipulation of the spine or extremity joints. The device is categorized as a mechanical force manual assisted (MFMA) instrument which is generally regarded as a softer chiropractic treatment technique.”
Muscles are less likely to resist to an activator adjustment because this technique is quick and precise.
Traditional manual adjustments are what most chiropractic patients are used to. These manual adjustments usually involve twisting the spine and make a popping sound. People often incorrectly describe this approach as “getting their spine cracked.”
Although many people love this type of adjustment, some doctors prefer an approach such as activator technique or NSA technique that does not involve twisting of the spine or popping noises of the joints. This activator type of adjustment is very effective and many prefer this method provided by Activator chiropractic doctors. There is quite a lot of research that has been done on the effectiveness of the activator chiropractic method.
Many people who prefer to have an adjustment without the spinal popping sounds love activator adjustments and find them equally or more effective than traditional adjustments.
How the Chiropractic Activator Method is Performed
The activator adjustment is typically performed with the patient lying face down on the chiropractic table. Leg length checks are done as well as other evaluations of the spine. The purpose of these is to find any misalignments affecting the health of the patient. Then, a single click with the instrument as prescribed by the activator method chiropractic technique is applied to the specific area, in a specific direction. The light, yet quick impulse of the instrument, bypasses muscular holding patterns that may arise for the patient if they are concerned about more traditional adjustments. The Activator technique offers a adjustment that is over in a millisecond and often immediate changes in tension and sensation can be achieved.
It is estimated that over 45,000 chiropractic doctors use the Activator Method technique worldwide currently.
If you feel the Chiropractic Activator Method might be right for you, call 828-298-0011 for more information or to schedule an appointment at our Ashevill office.