Back Care Class Tuesday, September 24 at 6:00 pm

Our back care class at Asheville Chiropractic office, Whittington Chiropractic is designed with you in mind. During this informative 45 minutes, you will learn clever lifestyle tricks to help prevent back pain and suffering.
What interesting trick have many housekeepers have discovered to prevent back pain while standing? (washing dishes, ironing etc)
What is the single most important thing you can do everyday to prevent recurrent back pain and problems?
You will learn these fascinating facts and many more when you attend our class so be sure to preregister now..
Did you know?
80% of Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their life?
Costs of back pain are estimated to be over 70 billion dollars each year!
20% of all military medical discharges are due to low back pain?
Low back pain can be a warning sign that there may be a health problem in the same area. For example, many people who have low back pain also have constipation, painful menstrual periods in women or ED for men?
Join us on Tuesday September 24 @ 6:00 pm for this 45 minute FREE class.
Just call Whittington Chiropractic and reserve your space now.