As a chiropractic patient, what more would you like to receive?
Let me ask you a question.
What are you hoping to get from your chiropractic care at this office?
—Less pain?
—Less tightness?
—More health?
—More movement?
—Or more life?
Many people begin care at the office because they have an ache or a pain they want to silence and get rid of. In other words, they start out “wanting less.” As they learn what chiropractic care is (and what it isn’t) they discover it could offer them more.
More of what they really want. Participating in that discovery is one of the greatest joys of me being in practice.
Some people don’t see the implication between a proactive (more) and a reactive (less) approach to their health. Instead, they prefer to come in ONLY when they have obvious symptoms.
No worries. We love them just as much. Everyone shows up at a different place on this journey of self discovery. I am merely here to serve you, whether you really want less or more.
Dr. Whittington, D.C.
801 Fairview Road
Asheville, NC 28803
(828) 298-0011
Some information on this page may be authorship attributable to Dr, Erich Breitenmoser